Bailey Doyle Conlon
Associate Director, Personalized Consumer Experiences
The Clorox Company
Bailey Doyle Conlon is the Associate Director of Personalized Consumer Experiences at The Clorox Company. She has almost 20 years of experience in the CPG industry both on the agency and the brand side. She has spent the past decade working at Clorox across a wide variety of disciplines including shopper marketing, ecommerce, brand engagement, partnerships, and marketing capability development.

In her current role she leads the company’s personalization workstream with a goal of achieving 75% paid media personalization by 2025. She is also a capability lead for the company’s agile testing initiative. She is responsible for launching and coaching test & learn incubator teams within the brand marketing studios to accelerate the growth of personalization and improve ways of working.

Bailey graduated from The University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in marketing & Spanish.
Bailey Doyle Conlon