The Incrementality of Retail Media: Planning, Activation & Measurement: Learning Lab + Roundtable Q&A

With the continued growth of eCommerce sales and digital influence on in-store sales, brands are shifting more media dollars to retailers to ensure digital shelf leadership, capture online conversion and build brand equity in-market. In response, retailers are expanding their retail media capabilities to better leverage their shopper traffic and data and provide brand partners ways to drive, measure and optimize shopper engagement.

However, retail media as a retail capability is still in early development and not all retail media capabilities are created equal. And on top of that, not all retail media capabilities drive incrementality.

What are the different incremental growth objectives around which brands can design their retail media campaigns? What retail media strategies and capabilities are best suited to accelerate these growth objectives? Which retailers are best equipped to help brands activate and measure incrementality? What metrics are available today? Which metrics matter? How should brands approach retail media measurement overall, not to forget investment and media mix planning?

In this interactive 2-hour Learning Lab, we've partnered with industry experts from Skai, Kroger Precision Marketing / 84.51, Incremental and firstmovr to immerse you in everything you need to maximize the incrementality of your retail media investment through improved planning, activation and measurement.

We'll also:

  • Outline 12 critical growth objectives for incrementality around which all levers, including retail media, can be designed.
  • Share the best retail media capabilities available in-market today for accelerating and measuring those sources of incrementality.
  • Review the metrics that matter and the latest methodology for total market retail media measurement and planning.
  • Answer your questions live in a Roundtable Q&A.
  • And so much more!
Virtual Session Link