The Future of Full-Funnel Media
Retail media growth is skyrocketing with more than 20% of CPG ad spending now occurring through 600-plus retail media networks worldwide. However, retail media is still relatively new, and many brand manufacturers are still struggling to overcome the organizational silos between traditional and retail media when creating and converting demand across their shoppers' journeys.
In this interactive 60-minute Learning Lab, get up to full speed on the current state of retail media and where it's going next. We’ll discuss:
  • What retailers are doing to fuel continued growth while optimizing their capabilities and justifying the shift of investment by the manufacturer community.
  • What leading manufacturers are doing to accelerate incrementality.
  • What leading manufacturers are doing to better integrate retail media within a more holistic and mature full-funnel approach.
  • How AI may compliment and disrupt retail media as we know today.