E-commerce continues to be the #1 driver of retail growth, as well as the biggest influencer of omnichannel sales, including in-store and on-premise.  With multiple years of flat growth projection headwinds facing us, BevAlc brands need the influence of E-commerce on the omnichannel shopper journey more than ever to drive meaningful incrementality.  However, incrementality from E-commerce requires not just investment behind the "flywheel" levers across digital shelf, shopper media and supply chain levers, but intentional design of those levers around omnichannel category management growth objectives.

In this interactive 60-minute Learning Lab, we'll discuss:
  • Latest BevAlc outlook and growth forecast.
  • Re-introduction to Omni Category Management 3.0 and 12 different SMART-ER (think SMART goals = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound) growth strategies for incrementality.
  • In-market examples for inspiration across BevAlc brands that are choosing to be "SMARTER".
  • Ways to measure this incrementality and act on opportunities for optimization.

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