The Lost Mile of Conversion: In Store Media and the Shopper Marketing Revolution
Date & Time
Thursday, June 27, 2024, 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

The out-of-home advertising industry has pushed the idea that in-store digital media is just a form of digital out of home (DOOH) and that it should be sold programmatically. This is great for the DOOH industry to generate fees, but why should retailers share large percentages of their media revenue with the ad brokers?

To maximize in-store media rates and yields, retailers must embrace the new paradigm of shopper marketing conversion networks, delivering crucial data to brands and achieving full-funnel conversion. In-store digital screens, as contextual and personalized media surfaces, are essential for retailers to capitalize on the lost mile of conversion, significantly boosting their media revenue models.

This presentation will show how retailers can maximize their returns with a data-driven approach, attracting new digital advertising dollars to their stores and capturing the full value of their shoppers and media without paying the programmatic tax.

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