Full Name
Gavin Dunaway
Job Title
Marketing Director
Company Name
The Media Trust
Speaker Bio
Digital media and adtech veteran Gavin Dunaway has seen things, man. As the Marketing Director of digital trust and safety specialist The Media Trust, he evangelizes products and solutions that aid digital companies in realizing business outcomes via ensuring the well-being of consumers. In less “markety” lingo: protecting consumers is good for business. Online media companies, adtech platforms, commerce media outlets, and more agree and use The Media Trust’s solutions.

Gavin regularly writes and speaks about malware prevention, creative QA optimization, sensitive and regulated ad content, privacy compliance, as well as the general development of the digital media and advertising space. Formerly the Editorial Director of trade website and conference company AdMonsters, he regularly shakes the rust off his journalism skills at conferences and posts near real-time coverage of content. Follow him, if you dare, on LinkedIn.
Gavin Dunaway