Heather Wheeler
The Krazy Coupon Lady
Heather turned to couponing after slashing her household budget, on a mission toward financial independence. When she could have folded and given up, Heather fought tooth and nail to pay off her family's $85,000 of debt while living only on a teacher's salary. After years of dedication and some serious penny pinching skills, the Wheeler family became officially debt free in 2011. Now she's sharing her savings tips with hundreds of thousands of readers across the country.
Heather is the queen of creativity when it comes to stay-at-home moms searching for ways to earn income. Heather's resume includes time spent buying and selling real estate, flipping furniture, two years working from home as a mortgage lender and another two as a licensed cosmetologist.
Although the success of the Krazy Coupon Lady has taken Heather's family a long way from the days of penny-pinching on a teacher's salary, Heather still loves to coupon. And while she's far from extreme, you'll find her stockpiling diapers or breakfast cereal in any given week. Heather also has four children who keep her busy with t-ball, tea parties, and afternoons at the park.
Heather Wheeler