Empowering CPG Brands with Results-Driven VIP Connections

The Path to Purchase Institute (P2PI) presents the CONNECT Hosted Buyer Program, a private VIP event where decision-makers from CPG brands and solution providers are matched for curated, impactful meetings. Remove months worth of scheduling conflicts and elevate your business strategies and outcomes by addressing challenges, exploring new products and
refining marketing initiatives with industry experts.

"The excellent matching process and smooth logistics ensured relevant and productive interactions. The insights gained were valuable, and the networking opportunities were excellent. I recommend CONNECT to other brands for its ability to facilitate meaningful connections and drive forward-thinking discussions."

"Doing the one-to-one speed dating, those are powerful, really powerful for us. The people that come to P2PI events are our people. They are people that want to move their brand forward, understand commerce and are looking for ways to grow their business. So, it's the right community of people to be around."

Lily Chou
Sr. Manager, Digital Marketing

Risa Crandall
Senior Vice President 
Aki Technologies