In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 3:20 PM - 3:50 PM

It's no surprise that in-store retail media presents a significant opportunity for brands looking to connect with the 96% of consumers shopping in-store. However, the current approach to understanding in-store audiences is fragmented, and this incohesiveness stands in the way of brands’ efforts to obtain accurate insights and deploy dynamic omnichannel campaigns. In this session, industry leaders from Vibenomics,, and Quividi will explore how to effectively navigate in-store audiences and share a first glance at a comprehensive solution that advertisers and retailers can use to access accurate, reliable and granular impressions. In-store digital is poised to reinvent brick-and-mortar marketing, and this groundbreaking collaboration is leading the way by unlocking in-store impressions to the roof, under the roof, and in the zone.

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