Delivering the Promise of Retail Media Through Person-First Identity and AI
Date & Time
Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11:20 AM - 11:50 AM

More and more, consumers are demanding personalized experiences that can only happen when brands truly know and understand them on a deeper level. As such, brands are looking to retail media to deliver innovative solutions that identify shoppers as individuals, reach more of them, and deliver more relevant advertising at exactly the right time. This session will explore how retailers are partnering with Epsilon to deliver on the promise of retail media with true person-first identity and artificial intelligence that enables their brand partners to foster genuine connections with consumers. It will also show how delivering relevant, timely messages that resonate personally with in-market shoppers helps advertisers cultivate loyalty and advocacy among their target audiences. This session will use real-world examples to show how person-first identity and AI:

  • Increase reach of the intended audience.
  • Deliver a better more relevant experience for shoppers.
  • Reduce waste and improve performance for advertisers.
  • Enable in-flight optimization and more accurate measurement.

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Location Name
The Kroger Theater in the Grand Ballroom