Full Name
Steve Baxter
Job Title
EVP, Retail Media
Company Name
Ovative Group
Speaker Bio
Steve is the Executive Vice President of Retail Media at Ovative. Steve has been with the company since 2010 and launched Ovative’s media practice in 2012.
Prior to joining Ovative, Steve worked at Target for 8 years where he led development of Target’s CRM initiatives, Digital media analytics and Target’s Media Network. In 2005, Steve developed Target’s proprietary in-house capabilities to both measure in-store sales impact from digital brand investments and personalize marketing messages across both digital and non-digital channels.
Steve is an industry leader on topics including marketing, advanced measurement, ecommerce, and monetization. Steve enjoys fishing, camping, golfing and trying to stay competitive in any sport with his three boys. Steve enjoys escaping to the MN north shore with his wife, boys and dog whenever possible.
Steve Baxter